Project Sponsors
POST is the main collector of the Mobile Bag and allows donors to hand in their old smartphones thanks to a well-developed sales network. Phones can also be given directly to postmen and postwomen throughout the country.
POST collects smartphones and old telephones on a regular basis from its customers via recycling boxes in the POST Telecom outlets.
In order to collect as many mobile devices as possible, POST Telecom cooperates with POST Courier on this project. As such, people wishing to donate phones directly from home can give them directly to postmen and postwomen.
The Mobile Bags containing the appliances are then sent to SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef asbl, which sorts and dismantles the appliances for recycling or gives them to Digital Inclusion for reuse.

POST Shop Telecom makes available the collection boxes for customers to hand in their electronic devices. You can also put the Mobile Bag envelopes in these collection boxes in order to donate your old phones.
SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef collects all the Mobile Bags and sorts out the more recent smartphones as well as the older mobile phones. They then send the smartphones to be repaired to Digital Inclusion asbl.
The older mobile telephones are dismantled in the SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef workshop in Bertrange, thereby creating inclusive employment opportunities. The materials are separated manually and then sent to recycling factories.
SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef is approved by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy.
Digital Inclusion refurbishes the most recent smartphones by testing the devices and repairing them, where necessary.
The smartphones are engraved with a text that cannot be erased ( - Digital Inclusion). All devices are given a serial number and are registered. Smartphones that cannot be reused are sent to SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef for recycling. Digital Inclusion is respsonible for the distribution of refurbished smartphones to people in need. The candidates are selected by the social distribution partners (see below).
As soon as a candidate is registered by a social partner, he/she is invited to pick up his/her new smartphone within a matter of days at the Digital Inclusion premises.
Digital Inclusion also offers free courses for beginners on how to use a smartphone as well as personalized assistance if the person encounters any problems using the smartphone. This course is optional for the beneficiaries and is also open to other persons.
Digital Inclusion is approved by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region.
Social distribution partners
The social distibution partners are actively involved in the smooth running of the project and select the persons who will receive a smartphone. The beneficiaries are persons in need (i.e. refugees and vulnerable persons) who are directly identified by the social workers who work on the ground.
Caritas, in partnership with Digital Inclusion and POST, launched the project in 2018. In 2019, SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef, with its recycling workshop, took over from Caritas in sorting and dismantling old telephones.
Currently, Caritas is actively involved in the project as the social distribution partner, via its network of facilities and services for refugees and vulerable persons in Luxembourg.
The Red Cross selects persons in need from the network of refugees, which includes many unaccompanied minors.
National Reception Office (Office National d’Accueil. ONA)
The ONA selects refugees who are not in a Caritas or Red Cross facility.
Social welfare offices
The social welfare offices in the various municipalities in Luxembourg select the residents in need who cannot afford a smartphone.
THANK YOU to all the partners who support this project!
LOLA and Editus, our Luxembourg communication partners, are involved in the project on a voluntary basis and have enabled the creation of new communication tools.

Lola (
In 2022, the communication agency created a new design and the graphic charter for the Mobile Bag.

Editus (
The Editus marketing website designed the website for Mobile Bag in 2022.